PINGOC NOW S.L. informs you about its Privacy Policy regarding the treatment and protection of the personal data of users that may be collected while browsing through the website

In this regard, PINGOC NOW S.L. guarantees compliance with current data protection regulations on data protection (in compliance with art. 11 LOPDGDD) and adapted to the requirements established by the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016) and by the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December).

The personal data of users is not collected through this website (nor is it transferred to third parties) without their consent.

In order to offer the best service to the users of this website and facilitate its use, the visits (including their number), pages consulted, frequency of consultation and the activity of these users on the website itself are analysed. For these purposes, PINGOC NOW SL uses the statistical information produced by the provider of its internet services.

The portal includes links to third-party websites, whose privacy policies are unrelated to our company. Thus, when accessing these websites you can decide whether to accept their privacy policies (as well as cookies). PINGOC NOW SL in its commitment to the protection of personal data of its customers, suppliers, staff and other interested parties, as well as maximum guarantor of the privacy of such data, has completed a review process of all its processes and services and especially those involving the processing of personal data, adapting them to the new requirements of EU regulations (and specifically, to the new General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR or GDPR) and national (LOPDGDD), implementing appropriate security measures in accordance with the results obtained from the analysis carried out and updating its privacy policies and consequently the corresponding Legal Notice and cookies policy.

The user and/or client guarantees that the data provided are true, exact, complete and up to date, and is responsible for any direct or indirect damage or harm that may be caused as a result of non-compliance with this obligation.

In relation to technical security and system diagnostics, in an anonymised or pseudonymised form, PINGOC NOW SL may record the IP address (Internet access identification number of the device, which allows devices, systems and servers to recognise and communicate with each other). It is expressly informed that this information may also be used for web performance analytical purposes.

In the same line, and in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, the user and/or client of PINGOC NOW SL is informed of the following aspects:

Data controller

The party responsible for the processing of the data provided by the user is PINGOC NOW SL, with C.I.F. number B72491368 and registered office at CALLE LUCIO DEL VALLE, Num. 12, Piso LC, Prta. 1, MADRID (MADRID), CP: 28003, SPAIN.

Purposes of the processing of personal data

The purpose of the processing of personal data carried out is defined by the processing activities carried out by this entity and which can be consulted in the Register of Processing Activities drawn up in compliance with the RGPD and the LOPDGDD.

In any case, the processing of users’ personal data will be carried out for the purpose of complying with the legal obligations of our entity. Thus, when this purpose requires the user’s consent, this will be requested by means of a clear affirmative action.

The legal basis of each processing activity carried out by our entity can also be consulted in the Register of Processing Activities drawn up in compliance with the RGPD and the LOPDGDD.

Information about the processing for sending communications

The data provided in the informative and/or promotional communications are processed by PINGOC NOW SL for purposes that are specified in the sending of electronic communications of an informative nature on services, activities, publications, celebrations, congratulations and social and professional events of PINGOC NOW SL that may be of interest to the user and/or client. It is also informed that the monitoring and optimisation of the marketing campaigns that may be carried out will be developed by means of technologies for this purpose.

Consent for the sending of such communications may be revoked at any time in each of the communications received through the mechanism that is enabled for this purpose.

In any case, the rights of access, rectification, opposition or suppression (cancellation), limitation of processing and portability may be exercised by post to the following address: CALLE LUCIO DEL VALLE, Num. 12, Piso LC, Prta. 1, MADRID (MADRID), CP: 28003, SPAIN or by e-mail to [email protected] . Similarly, they have the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on the automated processing of their personal data.

Personal data of third parties

In the case of personal data provided by a person other than the user or owner of the data who acts as a representative of the latter, said representative guarantees that he/she has informed the owner of the data provided of this Privacy Policy and that he/she has obtained his/her express consent to provide his/her data to PINGOC NOW SL for the aforementioned purposes.

Retention period for personal data

The personal data provided will be kept for the period of time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected, i.e. as long as the contractual relationship is maintained, as long as their deletion is not requested by the interested party and they must not be deleted because they are necessary for the fulfilment of a legal obligation or for the exercise of claims.

In the event that the user revokes their consent or exercises the aforementioned rights, their personal data will be kept blocked at the disposal of the Administration of Justice for the legally established periods in order to attend to any possible responsibilities that may correspond, in addition to the periods established in the regulations on archives and documentation.

Legitimacy for the processing of personal data

PINGOC NOW SL is legitimised to carry out the processing of personal data on the basis that:

In any case, the legal basis for the processing of personal data of users and/or customers by PINGOC NOW SL is based on art. 6 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April (RGPD).

Communication of data and categories of recipients

In general, personal data will not be communicated to third parties, except for legal obligations (such as communications to courts and tribunals). The recipients of the processing activities carried out by our entity are reflected in the “Register of Processing Activities” drawn up by our entity during the process of adapting its structures to the RGPD and the LOPDGDD, which was completed in compliance with both legal texts.

Policy update

This policy has been updated in accordance with the requirements of EU and national regulations on Personal Data Protection (RGPD and LOPDGDD). We also inform you that this policy may be modified due to changes in the requirements established by the legislation in force at any given time.